A mature woman is responsible for herself and is able to make decisions on her own, knows how to provide herself with comfort and protection from adversity. She is in good contact with people, is able to solve her own problems herself, but at the same time, she can ask for help if she feels the need for it.
So, what type of woman are you?
A codependent woman
She simply NEEDS a man. Only he can give her the desired support, the necessary care, and protection. Since she cannot do all this on her own.
A mature woman
Harmoniously feels alone. She is comfortable with herself, she can live alone, without losing the meaning of her own life.
A codependent woman
Does not tolerate a state of loneliness, as she immediately begins to feel the meaninglessness of her own life. The meaning is only if she is in contact with people and in relationships.
A mature woman
Is one who is aware and recognizes her own worth. Therefore, has a healthy self-esteem.
A codependent woman
Constantly wants the approval of people and men in particular, since she does not have self-confidence, and she needs confirmation from the outside all the time.
A mature woman
Always has a personal space, while remaining an important part of her family.
Codependent woman
Shares free leisure with a man according to his interests and preferences. May have one email or social network account with a partner. She only feels good when she is a couple, so she gives away her freedom. She does not distinguish between her own desires, tastes, tries to be comfortable.
A mature woman
Does not believe that love should be unconditional. And if a man shows himself disrespectful to her or demonstrates ignorance, then she distances herself, as an option – shifts the focus of attention to other men.
A codependent woman
Is sure that love “endures everything,” therefore, even in the case of an obvious bad attitude towards herself, she will continue to be near, giving attention and warmth, believing that all this will someday be appreciated and the man will change for the better …
A mature woman
Can easily distinguish between her needs and always knows exactly what she wants (as well as what she does not want), which may look like “this suits me – this does not suit me.” She has her own varied interests, she strives for development.
Codependent woman
All her interests are focused on the partner and on the people who are close to her. In addition to relationships (family, friendships, work), she has no other interests.
A mature woman
Knows how much attention she wants to receive from a man, as well as in what format she needs it, she can always agree on this and easily accepts the fact that a man has a certain range of his interests and needs.
A codependent woman
Wants to receive maximum attention from her partner, literally demanding that he give up any hobbies, meetings with friends, colleagues, etc.
A mature woman
Knows how to create long-term, deep, trusting, and close relationships with men.
A codependent woman
Positions her male partner in her picture of the world as a tool that will allow her to get what she desires for herself.
Mature woman
May show her own discomfort or a certain disagreement with the behavior of a partner. She does not “nag” him but cooperates with him.
A codependent woman
In 90% of cases, she will choose to remain silent so as not to spoil the relationship with a possible quarrel or conflict, while she will ignore her own explicit internal signals. But at the same time, she can put pressure on a man with her displeased look, inviting him to feel guilty for not meeting her expectations.
A mature woman
Is in a relationship because she has made a choice and knows that she has chosen her man.
A codependent woman
Is in a relationship for the simple reason that it is unbearable for her to be alone, and she experiences a strong feeling of fear at the thought that she may be left alone.
A mature woman
Knows how to sincerely admire and admire a partner, openly recognize her dignity and respect him, but at the same time, she gives him the right to be imperfect.
A codependent woman
A partner constantly idealizes, and then, when he does something that does not fit into the image she painted, devalues his dignity
A mature woman
Loves her partner and takes care of him, remaining internally free.
Codependent woman
Shows concern for a partner, as she is afraid of losing him. She always waits for him to solve her problems.
Having studied the basic definitions of a dependent and codependent woman, you can now answer the question:
“What kind of woman am I?”
If you realize you might be a codependent woman, don’t be afraid. There are ways to improve yourself. Get in touch with one of our specialists to learn tools for improving any area of your life.