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What is Rapid Transformation Hypnotherapy?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) is a technique based on 30 years of intensive research and expertise in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Neurolinguistic Programming. It has been developed by a world-renowned speaker Marisa Peer, behavioural expert, counsellor and therapist.

RTT® utilises the leading scientific principles of neuroplasticity, with an ability to create new neural pathways in the mind, while giving the client the ability to replace old unhelpful beliefs and behaviors. This leads to demonstrable rapid, profound and long-lasting transformation. And provides you with a comprehensive solution based approach that achieves effective results much quicker than traditional therapies.

This extensively effective technique has integrated within the framework of my professional experience and led to the Rapid Transformation Hypnotherapy session to provide support, understanding and solutions to my clients.

Benefits of Rapid Transformation Hypnotherapy:

– provides rapid results in situations of physical and emotional pain;

– alters and improves the messages the body sends to the mind so things like depression, anxiety and panic attacks can be permanently overcome;

– helps to eradicate addictions (smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, food, etc.);

– assists with career, concentration, confidence, motivation, memory, nerves problems;

– effective with childhood problems, phobias, panic attacks, self- esteem, compulsive behaviors, fears, guilt and fertility issues;

– powerful for stress-management, relaxation, relationships, sexual problems, sleep problems, skin disorders, weight problems, anorexia, bulimia.

What can I expect during the session?

The session is divided into 4 parts:

  1. Introduction & setting up for successful solution that serves you best, 15- 20 min.
  1. Hypnotic Induction, you will see how suggestible you are and how your body and mind are responding to hypnotic suggestions. Once you see how easily the mind accepts meaningless suggestions about the arms, for example, moving on their own, it becomes even more effortless to accept meaningful suggestions about acquiring the results that you aim for, 5-10 minutes.
  1. Hypnotic Regression to the cause of the issue, you will go back to the cause and the source of your problem. The reason is often less obvious and can be hidden from the plain site – forgotten by the rational thinking mind. Having realized WHY you do what you do, when and how, you got your issue, it is this understanding that gives the client freedom.
  1. The Cure, final part of the session, where the therapist is communicating to the mind: “You’re free”. It’s about 25 minutes of repetitive commands, instructions and programming the mind to do it’s job.
    This last piece is recorded and the client takes the personalized recording home, to play every day for the following 21 day.

Brainwaves and hypnosis

Brain waves are very low frequency waves measured in Hertz’ (Hz), or number of cycles per second, constantly emitted by the brain. Somewhat resembling the gears of a vehicle, the type of brainwaves determines the speed and performance of the operating machine. Or a human, in this conversation.

BETA (13 and 30 Hz) waves are the highest frequency brain waves. This level of brain activity is considered “normal waking consciousness” involves rational activity including judgment, analysis, use of language, etc.


In Beta, a person is actively thinking, asking questions or making statements. Whenever you hear the inner voice say: “Am I relaxed enough?” “What is the next step?” “I can’t stop my thoughts.” “This hurts.” “Am I doing this right?” – you are Beta. Usually, the more anxiety or pain, the more Beta.

ALPHA (8 and 13 Hz) are also a normal waking state, and is characterized by relaxation, openness and receptivity. In this state of consciousness a person is able to absorb new information, become more resourceful and at ease, and open to new possibilities. Like the last time you were thinking about signing up for a Hypnotic session and the opportunities it’d provide.

Alpha, is a transitioning gateway from the conscious mind to the unconscious realm. If we measure the brain of a regular meditator, a monk, for example, we’ll see that the Alpha is much more active and present in their brain, than in the brain of a non-meditator. This could be a reason why it’s so difficult to find an anxious, dissatisfied or angry monk. Their brain is literally wired differently. To activate this frequency activities such as resting without agenda, a walk in nature or listening to music would also do.

THETA (3 – 8 Hz) is often described as sleep state characterized by rapid eye movements (REM) and dreaming. In the hypnotic state however, Theta is an awake state where the client can experience vivid inner imagery including sounds, touch and even olfactory perceptions.

In Theta, the client is aware of their surroundings, but not interested in them. Their attention is drawn inward to the dream-like activity in the imagination. In the awake Theta state the client is easily in touch with material that is ordinarily unconscious.

DELTA (.01 to 3 Hz) is the deep sleep state with no dream activity. Although a person in Delta is ordinarily asleep, it is also possible to be in an awake hypnotic state in Delta. When this happens, the client is unaware of their surroundings, including all body sensations. The client experiences no imagery, and the only sensation is a blissful feeling of peace and contentment.

In trance, the very low frequency of Delta waves is ideal for pain control.

During Hypnotic trance a person begins the journey in Beta and the controlling aspects of the conscious mind and move into Alpha, Theta and sometimes even Delta frequencies, the realm of the unconscious mind.

That is why Hypnosis and other techniques of inducing and utilizing altered states are very powerful tools for self-transformation.